Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hi this is Cesar. Is to inform you that this blog is to be desactualizated for I time, hope fully, for a short time. See ya.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Do you think gangs are good or bad?

I think that the gangs that seem to be the most terrible and worst in the entire world they have a hidden a very good heart but only that they don’t want to show it.

They don’t want to show that heart because they think that then they would be called “gay” or “little baby” and they only want to be dominant so people understand that they don’t want to be seen as nice people.

They got the example of and old gang, like: be separated from their parents so their parents think they’re as good as angels, and also they ( the gagsters) falsificate their notes so they’re parents think their children are responsible so they let them go to any place.

They consume drugs. They were sad or depressed, but when they tried drugs, they at first felt euphoric and got addicted to them, so the drugs gave them animation to be the strongest and the ones in charge.

I think gangs, although they have lots of reasons to seem bad, they get to expose their good heart sometimes accidentally. Also they need support to triumph in their lives.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Plot Graph
Introduction to characters:
The main characters are: Brian, because he crashes in the Canadian wilderness, and Brian's mother, which caused that she and Brian's father divorced.
Introduction to setting:
The setting is: the city of New York, the station wagon where Brian's mother and a man that was not Brian's father were kissing, the Cessna 406 bushplane, and the canadian woods.
Rising Action: Events that happened before the climax.
  1. Brian's parents divorce because Brian's mother loves other man, but Brian's father never knew this.
  2. The pilot that managed the plane in which Brian was to visit his father has a heart attack and dies, so Brian decides to manage the airplane himself.
  3. Unluckily, Brian cannot comunicate to the nearest airport, and the fuel was almost gone so he decided to crash the airplane himself.
  4. Brian crashes in a lake and suddenly founds himself alone, in the canadian wilderness.
  5. Brian gets food and shelter and fire and learns about the place in which he is.
Climax: Where the plot or problem appears in the plot graph.

Brian hears an engine, and he thought they were going to rescue him so he made big fire signals but, unluckly, the plane turned back and didn't rescue Brian. This is the point in which Brian wants to suicide, but he started thinking like a "new" Brian and not the old cityboy one that would only cry and cry for days. Instead the new one would think about how he could survive in the Canadian wilderness alone.

Descending Action: The events that lead to the solution

Brian finds a way to hunt and even found turtle eggs to eat. He constructed and build a coat around his natural rock shelter for more protection. One day when he was hunting a moose hit him about 3 times. Then a tornado hits the place and even the tail of the airplane was up in the lake. He thought about a survival pack that he had seen in the airplane. he builds a raft and rescues the survival pack, that makes that Brian could be


Brian builds a raft and rescues the survival pack that was trapped in the airplane. He gets it and by a little electric box that was inside he was finally rescued.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Here's a link for you to know where did I get this fotograph:

Here are some of my classmates. From left to right: Sebastian Dangond, Daniela Rueda, Emma, Silvia, Oscar, Daniel Garcia, Veronica, Felipe and Nicolas Palacios.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Here I am with my classmates and Ms Dena. I'm the one at her right side. In her other side is Daniel Perez, a friend.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Porcupine
The porcoupine is a small a nimal that has many quills on its back. This animal was 1 of the firsts animals that Brian, the main characterof the Hatchet novel meets. Also, is the second largest rodent of all Canada, after the beaver.
Porcoupines are sometimes dirty because many of the time they make their own shelter with his own poop,but even sometimes they go to live to natural shelters like caves or old buildings.
Finally, thanks to his quills the porcoupine can protect from depredators like the fox and the coyote. If porcoupines couldn't have quills, they woud be almost extint.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Hi, welcome to my website. I made this page thanks to Ms Dena's project that she made us do in English class, that, certainly, is kind of fun sometimes. other times we talk so much that she goes out and even one time she put us to do work and she didn't explain nothing. but she, certainly is a good person and we even think that she is in love with Mr Michalik, our math teacher. (hihihi) <:-))

Hi, welcome to my website.
I'm going now to tell you how I made this webpage. Ms Dena, our English teacher, made us to make this project that counts for a grade. This website was very easy to make: just write down this, and here's a picture for you of Ms Dena: